Vaishnava Samhita. Roopalal Charitam. Vol II Book VI Chp 8 Shloka 10 - 13

सन्ततं चिन्तयन् कृष्णं सरसप्रेम चेष्टितम्  |
निकुञ्चसेवां चक्रे च प्रेमपूर्वं दिने दिने  ||
निमग्नो रसिकेन्द्रस्य लीलारस महाम्बुधौ |
न चिन्तां लोकयात्रायां कामपि प्राप वैष्णवः  ||
गोविन्दकुण्डतीरे तु गोवर्धनसमीपतः |
चकार कृष्णभजनं वसन्नित्यं महामतिः  ||

He was always meditating upon Shri Krishna who exhibits elegant and delightful divine pastimes. Thus he was engaged in unending service in the nikunja. The vaishnava was immersed in the ocean of the nectar of divine pastimes exhibited by Shri Krishna, the Rasikendra and was totally unconcerned about the worldly life. That wise man was dwelling on the bank of Govindakundam near Govardhana and was engaged in singing the glories of Shri Krishna