Vaishnava Samhita. Roopalal Charitam. Vol II Book VI Chp 8 Shlokas 22 - 25

न कामये मठं कीर्तिमाचार्यपदमेव च  |
केवलं कामये योगिन् राधावल्लभसेवनम्  ||
कृष्णभक्तिं प्रदातुं त्वं शक्तो यदि मया वास  |
न चेत्क्षिप्रमितो गच्छ श्रीवनादेव तापस ||
अस्मिन् बृन्दावने दिव्ये कृष्णप्रेमसुनिर्भरे |
न कश्चितपूजयेत्वां तु सारमेयोपि तापस  ||
योगीन्द्राणां त्वादृषानां दुराराध्योपि माधवः  |
मादृशानां कुटीरेषु सदा क्रीडति सादरम्  ||

I am not after establishing any math or gurupitha or gaining fame. I long to continue always in the service of Shri Radhavallabha. If you have the power to bestow devotion to Krishna upon me you can stay here. Otherwise, please quit this Brindavan. Even a dog dwelling in this Brindavan fully charges with Krishna prem will not respect you. Shri Krishna who stands far away from yogis like you, dwells in the simple huts of poor men like me.