एवं श्रीरूपलालेन योगीन्द्रो बोधितस्तदा |
योगसिद्धिं तां कृष्णभक्तो बभूव च ||
एवं हि वैष्णवा लोके परिपूर्णमनोरथाः |
कैवल्यमपि नेच्छन्ति किं पुनः सिद्धिमीदृशीम् ||
Shri Sadguru continued
Thus getting enlightenment with the help of Roopalal Goswami that yogi scorned all yogic powers and became a devotee of Lord Krishna. Thus, the perfect vaishnavas do not covet even salvation. Then what to speak of the attainment of yogic siddhis!
Thus ends Chapter Eight entitled 'Roopalal Charitam' of Book VI of Shri Vaishnava Samhita composed by Shri Shri Krishna Swamigal.