तत्रास्तां बालिके च द्वे गङ्गा च यमुना तथा
सहोदर्यौ महासाध्व्यौ वृक्षमूले क्वचित्स्थिते ||
पितृभ्यां रहिते दीने हतबन्धुजने तथा
भृशं रुरुदतुस्तत्र बालिके पञ्चहायने ||
ते दृष्ट्वा ब्राह्मणः कश्चिन्मधुरानगरालयः
सान्त्वयामास सप्रेम घोरां कालगतिं वदन् ||
Under a tree were standing two young and humble girls named Ganga and Yamuna. Five years old, those children had lost their parents and relatives and hence they were crying loudly. A brahmana pilgrim from Mathura who happened to see them consoled them with warm affection.