उच्छिष्टं गुरुदेवस्य प्रसादञ्च श्रियः पतेः
लब्ध्वा च गङ्गायमुने चक्रतुः प्राणधारणम् ||
सङ्कीर्तयन्त्यौ नृत्यन्त्यौ सन्ततं केशवालये
गोपीभावेन मुह्यन्त्यौ चक्रतुः सुखज जीवनम् ||
Accepting that food which was the prasada of Shri Krishna and which was tasted by the guru they led a happy life. Intoxicated with Gopi Prem they spent their time dancing and singing incessantly at the temple of Lord Shri Krishna.