अहमद्यैव सहसा संप्राप्य यमुनावनम् |
द्रक्ष्यामि करुणासिन्धुं संसारभयनाशनम् ||
बहुधा चिन्तयन्नेवं बालकः पञ्चहायनः |
पितरौ वञ्चयन् सद्यः प्रतस्थे यमुनावनम् ||
'I am going to reach Shri Brindavan now itself to get the darshan of Shri Krishna, the repository of compassion, who alone has the power to dispel the fear of samsara.' That five year old child thought so and left for Shri Brindavan without the knowledge of his parents.