Vaishnava Samhita. Dhruvadasa Charitam. Vol II Book VI Chp 7 Shlokas 38 - 39

अस्मिन् महावने घोरे न भयं किञ्चिदस्ति मे   |
प्राप्तुमिच्छामि गोविन्दं मृत्युसंसारसागरात्  ||
तव संस्पर्शमात्रेण क्षुत्पिपासाश्रमश्च मे  |
मम दुःखेन महता स्वयमस्तङ्गतो बत  ||

I do not feel afraid of being alone in the forest. I long to reach ashore this ocean of samsara and attain Shri Govinda. My hunger, thirst, fatigue, and sorrow have all disappeared the very moment you touched me.