किन्तु तस्य द्विजातेश्च प्रार्थना निष्फलाsभवत् |
नानुमेने कर्मदेवी गन्तुं बृन्दावनाद्गृहम् ||
कृष्णभक्तो द्विजः सोपि बाष्पपर्याकुलेक्षणः |
गृहं गत्वा बभाषे च सान्त्वयन् स्वकुटुम्बिनीम् ||
But all his entreaties failed. Karmadevi did not agree to leave Shri Brindavan and return home. That brahmana, a great devotee of Lord Krishna returned home empty handed and in great sorrow. By way of consoling his wife he spoke the following