भक्त्यैव वैष्णवत्वं हि संस्कारेण न वैष्णवः |
लब्ध्वापि पञ्चसंस्कारान् बहवः सन्ति लौकिकाः ||
क्रियाविशेषबहुलैरनुष्ठानैर्न मुह्यति |
रसज्ञो भगवान् कृष्णः प्रेमधर्मं प्रतीक्षते ||
Shri Sadguru said
A tru vaishnava is identified by bhakti and not by mere vaishnavite practices. Even after being initiated to the five fold rituals called Pancha Samskara one may have a mundane existence. Bhagavan Shri Krishna knowing fully the true essence of bhakti does not get impressed with ritualistic practices alone. He expects only true devotion in the bhaktas.