वङ्गदेशे महानासीत् कृष्णदास इति श्रुतः |
वेदवेदान्ततत्वज्ञो ब्राह्मणो विजितेन्द्रियः ||
श्रीमद्भागवतं नित्यं पठन्नाराधयन् हरिम् |
सङ्गतो वैष्णवैश्चापि चकार सुखाजीवनम् ||
विविधानि च तीर्थानि क्षेत्राणि च [परिव्रजन् |
राधाचरणचिह्नाद्द्यमवाप यमुनावनम् ||
In Bengal, there was a brahmana named Krishnadasa. He knew the Vedanta and had subdued all his senses. He visited many places and had a pilgrimage to all the holy teerthas and finally reached Shri Brindavan that bears the holy imprint of the holy feet of Shri Radha Devi. He led a peaceful and happy life daily reciting the Bhagavatam and worshipping Lord Krishna, always remaining in the company of the sadhus.