नृसिह्ममेधा उवाच
धन्यासि मम पत्नी त्वं दृष्टवत्यसि माधवम् |
स एव कृतवान् श्राद्धं पितुर्मम कृपानिधिः ||
चरामि भक्तवेषेण दुराचारो महीतले |
भक्तप्रियेण कृष्णेन कृतं कारुण्यमीदृशम् ||
Narasimha Mehta said
Only you are really fortunate. For you have seen Shri Krishna face to face. The most compassionate Bhagavan Himself has performed the shraddha of my father. I am roaming about this earth in the disguise of a bhakta. But I do not possess the necessary qualities. Yet Shri Krishna, the beloved of the bhaktas has showered so much mercy on me.