Vaishnava Samhita. Haseena Charitam. Vol II Book VI Chp 11 Shlokas 10 - 11

भारताद्यात्रिकःकश्चिदाजगाम यदृच्छया |
सोपि श्रीवनमाहात्म्यं वर्णयामास संसदि ||
तच्छ्रुत्वा सा हसीना च कृष्ण माहात्म्यमद्भुतम् |
तमेव चकमे कान्तं भावापूरर्णेन चेतसा ||

Once a traveller from India reached there unexpectedly. He gave a description of the beauty and glory of Shri Brindavan. Listening to the account of the divine glory and supremacy of Shri Krishna, she developed great love for Him and desired to have Him as her fiance.