Vaishnava Samhita. Narasimha Mehta Charitam I. Vol III Book VI Chp 15 Shlokas 13 - 14

संसारकानने घोरे सञ्चरन्तं पुनः पुनः |
मां विलोक्य कृपां कृत्वा मार्गं दर्शय शङ्कर ||
न मे योगो न मे ज्ञानं न तपो न व्रतानि च |
अहं मूढतमो लोके त्वामेव शरणङ्गतः ||    

Please see. I am wandering about this dreadful forest endlessly. Please shower mercy on me and save me. I do not have any of the qualifications of expertise in yoga, wisdom, adherence to strict austerities and penance. I am totally ignorant. I take refuge in You