नीलोत्पलदलश्यामं नानाभूषणभूषितम् |
दामोदरं दयासिन्धुं देवं दिव्यदिगम्बरम् ||
कुटिलालकसम्युक्तं कज्जलालिप्तलोचनम् |
मन्दस्मितमुखाम्भोजं चलन्मकरकुण्डलम् ||
चञ्चन्मौक्तिकनासाग्रं शार्दूलनखभूषितम् |
मधुरस्वनमञ्जीरं मणिकिङ्किणिभूषणम् ||
अङ्के निधाय तं बालं श्रीमद्गोल्कुलनन्दनम् |
लालयन्तीं सवात्सल्यं नानाक्रीडनकैः सदा ||
प्रसन्नवदनां देवीं पद्मपत्रायतेक्षणाम् |
प्रवदन्तीञ्च पुत्रेण पुत्रस्नेहस्नुतस्तनीम् ||
नानाभरणदीप्ताङ्गीं कौशेयाम्बरधारिणीम् |
श्रीमतीं नन्दमहिषीं श्रीनाथस्यापि मातरम् ||
विलोक्य सुन्दरी सापि परमानन्दनिर्भरा |
हरिरायमपष्यन्ती परमं विस्मयं गता ||
विज्ञाय सहसा कन्या प्रभावं तस्य धीमतः |
ननाम चरणौ तस्य लज्जिता दीनमानसा ||
The child Nandakumara appeared to her as follows. His body had the bluish complexion of the neelotpala flower, the baby looked more handsome as He was unclad; His eyes were blackened and beautiful with Khajal;He had a smiling and hance more charming countenance; He was wearing innumerable ornaments like the Makara Kundalas (the shark-shaped ear-rings), tiger-claws, a noslet noserings; tinkling anklets and a stone studded girdle. She saw the ocean of compassion, Shri Damodhara, the head of all the devas and the child of Gukulam thus. The princess saw in front of her, Devi Yashoda, the wife of Shri Nandagopa and the divine mother of Shrinatha. She saw there Devi Yashoda, who always keeps her child in her lap and entertains Him with a number of toys and dolls, who fondles the child with great affection, who has a bright and beautiful countenance, who has attractive lotus eyes, who converses happily with her son, whose bosom is filled with unbound love for the child, and who is wearing glittering jewels and silky garments. The princess was greatly delighted to se mother Yashoda and was surprised not to find Shri Hariraya there. The maiden realised Hariraya's greatness. She was stricken with shame and hence she prostrated herself at his feet.