Vaishnava Samhita. Shri Hariraya Charitam. Vol III Book VII Chp 4 Shlokas 18 - 19

सच्चरित्रापि सा देवी कृष्णभक्तिसमन्विता |

अभूच्छोकाकुला दीना हरिरायविलोकनात् ||

कामस्य लज्जा नैवास्ति यतः कामोsतिदुःसहः |

अविज्ञायाकरोत्कामं माहात्म्यं सा महात्मनः ||

Though she was well-mannered and chaste, and was a devotee of Shri Krishna, she was disturbed by the sight of Hariraya. Love entertains no sense of shame. For, it is uncontrollable. That was why she developed such intense love for Hariraya, not realizing his real greatness