इत्युक्त्वा पद्मपत्राक्षी राधिका हंसगामिनी |
सूरदासं महात्मानं मन्दमन्दमुपागमत् ||
तस्याः सौगन्ध्यसंमुग्धस्तां विदन् प्रेयसीं हरेः |
जग्राह तूर्णं हस्तेन तस्या वस्न्नान्चलं महान् ||
सद्यः प्रणयकोपेन सम्युक्ता वृषभानुजा |
अवोचन्मधुरं वाक्यं वीक्ष्य कृष्णमुखाम्बुजम् ||
Shri Sadguru said
Having spoken thus, Shri Radha, with eyes like the beautiful lotus, and gait like that of the gentle swan, came slowly near the mahatma Surdas. Surdas was enchanted by Her fragrance. He understood that She was none other than Shri Radha, the beloved of Shri Krishna. He stretched his hand out and caught hold of the frill of Her long skirt. At once, with assumed anger born of prem, Shri Radha looked at the face of Shri Krishna, and started saying so.