ताभिः सह सदोद्याने सञ्चरन् कीर्तयन् हरिम् |
अविज्ञातजगद्धर्मो बालवद्रसिको बभौ ||
पवित्रं हृदयं तस्य विज्ञाय ग्रामवासिनः |
न मेनिरे क्वचिद्दोषं तस्मिन् कृष्णैकतां गते ||
विशुद्धप्रेमसल्लापकुतूहलसमन्वितः |
भक्तो मुरारिर्ददृशे मुरारिर्भगवानिव ||
He used to continue Krishna-kirtan in the company of those women in the gardens. Unmindful of social abuses the true rasika moved about like a child. There seemed to exist no difference between him and Shri Krishna. The people of the village understood him well and hence they did not find fault with him. Thus playing happily with unsullied prem this bhakta Murari appeared to be Bhagavan Murari (Shri Krishna) Himself.