लौकिकैर्वैदिकैरेव नियमैः संयुताsपरा |
भक्तिः साधनरूपा सा लोके सर्वत्र दृश्यते ||
लोकवेदक्रियातीता प्रेमानुभवरूपिणी |
पराभक्तिस्तु गोपीषु दृश्यते यमुनावने ||
गोपीभावं विना नृणां त्यक्तुं कर्माण्यशेषतः |
नाधिकारोस्ति शास्त्रेषु शास्त्रं हि सुखसाधनम् ||
Bhakti accompanied by worldly and Vedic regulations is of a lower order. It is found everywhere on this earth. But prema bhakti standing above all Vedic and worldly rituals is found among the Gopis of Shri Brindavan. But ordinary men of the world have no right to give up the duties assigned to them by the Shastras until they attain Gopi prem. For, onlly the Shastras lead us to bliss.
Thus ends Chapter Twenty One entitled 'Narayana Muni Charitam' of Book VI of Shri Vaishnava Samhita composed by Shri Shri Krishna Premi Swamigal