प्रतिज्ञां स्मारयामास ब्रह्मचारी दृढव्रतः |
सत्यसन्धं कर्तुकामो वृद्धं तं विजितेन्द्रियः ||
निनिदुर्बान्धवाः सर्वे वृद्धस्य ब्रह्मचारिणम् |
असत्यं जल्पतीत्येषु नितरां दुःखितोsभवत् ||
तूष्णीमास ब्राह्मणोपि वृद्धो बन्धिभयेन सः |
सत्यवादी ब्रह्मचारी सभायां धिक्कृतोsभवत् ||
तदा सभायामापृष्टः कृष्णं सस्मार साक्षिणम् |
तथा साक्षिणमानेतुं प्राप बृन्दावनं पुनः ||
ऋजुस्वभावो मान्यश्च दृढविश्वाससंयुतः |
प्रपेदे शरणं भक्तःसर्वसाक्षिणमच्युतम् ||
In order to make the old man a strict adherent to truth the truthful Brahmachari reminded him of the promise he had made. The relatives of the old man abused Brahmachari saying that he was uttering a lie. So he became very sad. The old man remained silent as he was not willing to earn the displeasure of his relatives. The village assembly ruled that the truthful Brahmachari should quit the village. When the assembly questioned him of the truth behind his statement, Brahmachari said that Lord Krishna was the witness. Then he left for Shri Brindavan to bring Shri Krishna to that village. The honest and noble Brahmachari took refuge in Shri Achyuta, the In-dwelling witness, with unshakeable faith.