कुपितो यवनश्चापि खड्गमुद्यम्य बाहुना |
इयेष तत्करं च्छेत्तुं पूतं श्रीवनरेणुभिः ||
तवत्तस्यैव गलितः कराग्रात्खड्ग उत्तमः |
चिच्छेद विपुलं कण्ठं रत्नमाला विभूषितम् ||
सद्यःपपात यवनो धरण्यां गतजीवितः |
अन्ये प्रदुद्रुवुर्भीता मलेच्छा वैष्णवतेजसा ||
अपराधः कृतो नूनं वैष्णवेषु दुरात्मभिः |
अचिरेणैव कालेन ह्यात्मनाशाय कल्पते ||
The muslim got angry. He took out his knife with an idea of cutting off the hand of Ghanananda, sanctified by the sacred dust of Shri Brindavan he had. At the same moment the knife slipped from his hand and cut off his own neck. Instantly that muslim fell down dead. The other robbers ran away frightened by the divine power of Ghanananda. Any offence committed against the vaishnavas by the wicked ones recoils on themselves within a short time.