श्री सद्गुरुरुवाच
इत्युक्तो भगवान् कृष्णो भक्तेन ब्रह्मचारिणा |
श्रीविद्यानगरं शीघ्रं प्रययौ सत्यवत्सलः ||
गच्छतो नगरं श्रीघ्रं कल्याणब्रह्मचारिणः |
पश्चात् कृष्णस्य देवस्य शुश्रुवे नुपूरध्वनिः ||
पुर्याः समीपमागत्य निवृत्तो नूपुरध्वनिः |
पश्चाद्ददर्श भक्तश्च ददृशेsर्चावपुर्हरिः ||
दर्शयामास वर्णीं तं सर्वसाक्षिणमागतम् |
सर्वे जना हरिं दृष्ट्वा प्रापुः परमविस्मयम् ||
सत्यमेव वदत्येष ब्रह्मचारीति माधवः |
सदस्युवाच सानन्दं शुश्रुवुर्निखिला नराः ||
ततो वृद्धश्च सानन्दमनुज्ञातः स्वबन्धुभिः |
स्वलङ्ग्कृतां ददौ कन्यां कल्याणब्रह्मचार्रिणे ||
भगवान् साक्षिगोपालो श्रीविद्यानगरेsवसत् |
भक्तेन पूजितो नित्यं निर्मिते मन्दिरे जनैः ||
Shri Sadguru continued
When He was told so, Bhagavan Shri Krishna set out for Vidhyanagar along wih the devotee, Brahmachari to give witness to his truthfulness. Kalyana Brahmachari could go on listening to the tinkling of the anklets of Shri Bhagavan. That sound reassured him that Shri Bhagavan was going along with him. Reaching the outskirts of the village, the tinkling stopped. Now the devotee looked back. Bhagavan stood there in the aecha form. Brahmachari showed the Eternal Witness, Shri Bhagavan to all. All People were greatly surprised to see Shri Bhagavan there. In the village assembly Shri Bhagavan proved that Brahmachari was speaking the truth. Listening to that all became happy. Later, with the conset of the relatives, the old man gave his beautifully adorned daughter to Kalyana Brahmachari. Lord Sakshi Gopala (Gopala, the Witness) swelt in the temple built by the devotees at Vidyanagar. Brahmachari was engaged in His daily pooja.
Thus ends Chapter Twenty Three entitled 'Sakshi Gopala Charitam' of Book VI of Shri Vaishnava Samhita composed by Shri Shri Krishna Premi Swamigal