न भेदः किल भक्तानां सन्यासहगृहधर्मयोः |
दृढभक्त्यैव तुष्यामि सुलभोsहं न चान्यथा ||
कौटुम्बिकविरक्तस्य मम भक्तस्य धीमतः |
गार्हस्थ्यधर्माचरणाद्भवबन्धो न संभवेत् ||
अनुकूलैः स्वदारैश्च शिशुभिः कलभाषिभिः |
विज्ञाय प्रेमवात्सल्यं मयि कुर्यान्महामतिः ||
एतदर्थमिदं विप्र गार्हस्थ्यं येन भक्तिरसो मयि |
लभ्यते प्रेमसम्युक्तो येन भक्तिरसो मयि ||
तस्मात् स्वीकुरु विप्रेन्द्र प्रातः कन्यां समागताम् |
वास त्वं यमुनातीरे तया गार्हस्थ्यमाचरन् ||
For the bhaktas there is no difference between the householder's life and renunciation. I am easily pleased by unaltered devotion though inaccessible otherwise. Leading the life of a householder will not result in worldly bondages in the case of My bhakta who is a man of wisdom and detachment. Such an intelligent bhakta realises and experiences true love with the help of an amicable wife and loving children lisping sweetly. Then he surrenders that love to Me. The ultimate object of family life which augments love is this only. Hence, accept the girl who comes to you the morning and lead a happy life with her on the bank of the Yamuna..