Vaishnava Samhita. Shri Vallabhacharya Charitam I. Vol III Book VII Chp 2 Shlokas 20 - 25

अथ श्रीपण्डरीक्षेत्रात्प्रस्थितो भक्तसत्तमः |
पत्न्या सह महासाध्व्या बृन्दारण्यमुपागतः ||
लीलास्थलानि कृष्णस्य पश्यन् सूर्यसुतावने |
आनन्दं परमं लेभे कृष्णभक्तो दिने दिने ||
शास्त्रेषु परमं श्रेष्ठं श्रीमद्भागवतं स्मरन् |
व्याख्यां चकार तस्यापि भक्तितत्वप्रकाशिनीम् ||
भगवच्चरितं नित्यं शृण्वन्तस्तन्मुखाम्बुजात् |
बभूवुर्बहवो भक्ता भाग्यवन्तो नरास्तदा ||
गिरीन्द्रशिखरे दिव्यं निर्ममे मन्दिरं शुभम् |
श्रीनाथं तत्र संस्थाप्य चकार च महोत्सवम् ||
तद्भक्तिवशमापन्नो गोवर्धनधरो हरिः |
प्रोवाच भक्तितत्वञ्च तस्मै साक्षादुपागतः ||

Then that distinguished bhakta left for Brindavan along with his chaste wife. That Krishna bhakta visited the places of the divine sport of Lord Krishna situated on the banks of the Yamuna and attained immense bliss. He considered Shrima Bhagavatam as the greatest of the Shastras and hence he wrote a commentary on that, which is capable of enhancing bhakti. Many bhagavatas became fortunate to listen to his discourses on Shrimad Bhagavatam daily. He constructed a stately temple on the top of Govardhana Hill, installed Lord Shrinatha there, and performed all ceremonial rites. Enhanced and convinced by his devotion, Lord Krishna, who lifted the Govardhana Hill, appeared before him and taught him the secret ways of bhakti