Vaishnava Samhita. Vitthalanatha Charitam. Vol III Book VII Chp 3 Shlokas 12 - 15

तस्य पत्नीद्वयञ्चासीन्नाम्ना पद्मा च रुक्मिणी |

गार्हस्थ्यं धर्ममकरोत्तयोः प्रेम विवर्धयन् ||

स्वस्य सङ्गल्पमखिलं श्रीनाथो भक्तवत्सलः |

न्यवेदयद्विट्ठलाय नानालीलाप्रियो हरिः ||

वासुदेवं वशीकृत्य वात्सल्येनैव विट्ठलः |

लोके प्रकटयामास तस्य वैभवमद्भुतम् ||

शिश्यैश्च धनिकश्रेष्ठैरर्पितैस्तु महाधनैः |

श्रीनाथस्योत्सवं कुर्वन् दारिद्र्येणावसत्स्वयम् ||

He had two spouses named Padma and Rukmini. He was leading a happy family life augmenting their love. Lord Shrinatha, the one fond of the bhaktas and the one who takes pleasure in exhibiting many sacred sports used to convey His wishes to him. Vitthalanatha had captivated Shri Krishna by his parental love. He spread the glory of the wonderful divine sports of Shri Krishna on the earth. He led a very simple life. But he celebrated all the festivals of Shrinatha on a very grand scale with the money offered by philanthropic rich persons.

श्रीनाथस्योत्सवं कुर्वन् दारिद्र्येणावसत्स्वयम् ||