इति श्रीनाथदेवस्य वचनं श्रवनामृतम् |
आकर्ण्य वल्लभाचार्यः प्राप सन्तोषमुत्तमम् ||
अथ श्रीगोकुलं गत्वा कृष्णभक्तिं चकार सः |
भार्यया च महासाध्व्या वात्सल्यरसमोहितः ||
Shri Sadguru continued
Listening to these captivating words uttered by Shrinatha, Shri Vallabhacharya attained great joy. Then with sutging motherly love for Lord Krishna and the consequent intoxication of devotion, Shri Vallabha left for Gokulam along with his humble and meek wife. There he remained immersed in Krishna bhakti