अनुधावंस्तत्र तत्र गुरुभक्तश्चतुर्भुजः |
बभूव नितरां श्रान्तः पपातैवाविदूरतः ||
अवलोक्य घनश्यामं साक्षात्तं मुरालीधरम् |
गोस्वामी विट्ठलेशस्तु गिरीन्द्रेण लयङ्गतः ||
नापष्यद्विट्ठलाचार्यं प्राप्य प्रज्ञां चतुर्भुजः |
अगमद्गोकुलं भक्तो नितरां दूनमानसः ||
प्रतिकर्तुमशक्तास्तु कारुण्यस्य रमापतेः |
समर्पयन्ति प्राणांश्च तस्मै किल दृढव्रताः ||
गोवर्धनप्रवेशं तु विट्ठलस्य महात्मनः |
यः पठेच्छ्रद्धया नित्यं तस्यैव सुलभो हरिः ||
All this time, Vhathurbhuja, who greatly respected his guru, was also running after him here and there. Finally he got exhausted and fell down at a distance away from the hill. Vitthalanatha had the darshan of the bluish black-hued Muralidhara face to face. Instantaneously he vansihed then and there. When Chatthurbhuja regained consciousness, he was totally upset not to find Vitthalanatha anywhere. He reached the Gokulam with great sorrow. The unwavering, firm bhaktas submit themselves and surrender their hearts and souls too to Lord Shrinatha as His mercy is so great that it cannot be reciprocated in any other simpler way. Lord Shri Krishna is easily accessible to the one who reads with sincerity, this story of the entry of Shri Vitthalanatha into the cave of Govardhana Hill
Thus ends Chapter Three entitled 'Vitthalanatha Charitam' of Book VII of Shri Vaishnava Samhita composed by Shri Shri Krishna Premi Swamigal.