नित्यं कर्षकवृत्यैव कुर्वन् हर्षेण जीवितम् |
दरिद्रश्चापि संतुष्टः श्रीनाथे भक्तिमानभूत् ||
आनन्दबाष्पसुस्निग्धो भक्तमण्डलमध्यगः |
वीणामृदङ्गसम्युक्तो जगौ श्रीनन्दनन्दनम् ||
श्रीनाथदिव्यलीलानामनुभूय रसं परम् |
चक्रे गीतानि बहुधा कर्णानन्द प्रदानि च ||
He was a farmer, and was very contented despite his poverty. With firm devotion to Shrinatha, he was leading a life free from cares and worries. He used to sing in the assembly of the bhaktas with tearful eyes, to the accompaniment of Veena and Mridangam. He imbibed the sweet essence of the divine sports of Shrinatha, and composed many melodious songs.