दासोऽहं तस्य देवस्य तत्साम्राज्ये वसाम्यहम् |
संह्रुष्टोस्मि सदा राजन् दारिद्र्यं न कदाचन ||
कृपणो यस्त्वसंतुष्टः सन्ततं धनलोलुपः |
दरिद्रोपि स एवाढयो यः श्रीधरपदप्रियः ||
I am a devotee of that Lord. I live in this empire with happiness and contentment. I never consider myself a poor man. One who is stingy and is not contented with what he has, is a great miser. But one who is poor and yet has devotion to Lord Krishna is a very fortunate person.