परमानन्द उवाच
को भवानिह संप्राप्तस्तवाङ्के बालमाधवम् |
पश्यामि परमानन्दं जाने त्वां वैष्णावोत्तमम् ||
स होवाच
दासोऽहं वल्लभेन्द्रस्य गोवर्धननिवासिनः |
यदृच्छयाssगतोस्म्यत्र श्रोतुं ते कृष्णकीर्तनम् ||
परमानन्द उवाच
अहो यत्किङ्करस्यैवमङ्के क्रीडति माधवः |
तस्य श्रीवल्लभेन्द्रस्य माहात्म्यं वेद्मि तादृशम् ||
महात्मानं तमेवाहमाचार्यं मनसा वृणे |
द्रक्ष्यामि शीघ्रमेवाद्य सफलं मम जीवितम् ||
Paramanandadasa said
Who are you gracefully present here? I behold Shri Balagopala, the very embodiment of transcendental bliss on your lap. I understand that you must be a great vaishnava.
The bhakta said
I am a subordinate of Shri Vallabha, who resides in the area surrounding Govardhana Hill. Suddenly I came here to listen to your Krishna kirtan.
Paramanandadasa said
What a wonder it is! Shr Madhava plays hilariously seated on the lap of you, and you are a servant of Shri Vallabha. Then I now realise how great should be the glory of your master, Shri Vallabha. I have taken that mahatma to be my preceptor. I shall come to meet him very soon. My life has become really meaningful only now.