Vaishnava Samhita. Shri Paramanandadasa Charitam. Vol III Book VII Chp 8 Shlokas 19 - 21

अथ सङ्ग्कीर्तनं कर्तुमाज्ञापयदमुं गुरुः |

हरिलीलामृतास्वादपरमानन्दकौतुकः ||

परमानन्ददासश्च मधुरं वीणया सह |

संयोजयन् प्रेमवीणां हरिलीलां जगौ तदा ||

आकर्ण्य परमानन्ददासस्य हरिकीर्तनम् |

मूर्च्छामवाप चाचार्यः प्रेमोद्वेगाद्दिनत्रयम् ||

Shri Vallabha was inspired by the ardent desire to taste the nectar of Hari kirtan. Hence he ordered Paramanandasa to sing a song. Immediately Paramanandasa sang melodiously a song dealing with the sweet pastimes of Lord Hari, playing on the Veena with a heart filled with prema bhakti. Listening to the song in praise of Lord Hari rendered by Paramanandasa, Shri Vallabha was overwhelmed by the flow of prem and hence he remained unconscious for three days.