क्वचिद्गोविन्ददासेन श्रीनाथो नन्दनन्दनः |
कदम्बमूले चिक्रीड दृषद्भिर्गोलरूपकैः ||
ब्रह्माण्डानां सहस्त्राणि यस्य क्रीडनकानि वै |
सोयं गोविन्ददासेन क्रीडति श्यामसुन्दरः ||
ब्रह्मादयः सुराः सर्वे प्रतीक्षन्ते च यतकृपाम् |
सोयं गोविन्ददासेन क्रीडति प्रेमतत्परः ||
न शक्नुवन्ति यं प्राप्तुं मुनयश्च तपोधनाः |
सोयं गोविन्ददासेन क्रीडति स्वयमीश्वरः ||
यमामनन्ति श्रुतयो निर्गुणं परमव्ययम् |
सोयं गोविन्ददासेन क्रीडति व्रजनन्दनः ||
Once, Shrinatha, the beloved son of Nanda, was playing marble with Govindadasa under a Kadamba tree. Shri Shyamasundara, who has thousands of cosmic entities or Brahmandas as His playthings, was playing with Govindadasa. He, whose mercy is sought with great longing even by the devas like Brahma, was playing with Govindadasa with a lot of love for the latter. That Eshwara (Lord of Lords), who is not realised even by great seers of austere penance, was playing with Govindadasa. That Supreme Soul, who is spoken of by the Vedas as the eternal, attributeless Supreme Being was playing happily with Govindadasa.