श्रीनाथ उवाच
त्वमेव मिथ्या वदसि वात्सल्यान्मयि संप्रति |
गोविन्ददासो जितवानहमेव पराजितः ||
क्रुद्धे गोविन्ददासे तु मय्येवं गोलिकाहरे |
चरुर्विधमिमं भोगं नाहमिच्छामि सांप्रतम् ||
स हि गोविन्ददासस्तु मम प्राणसखो ननु |
मयैव वञ्चितो दीनो वृक्षमूले विषीदति ||
तामानय महासाधुं सुह्रदं प्राणवल्लभम् |
तेनैव साकं जननि काङ्क्षितं सहभोजनम् ||
Shrinatha spoke
Oh, My mother! Only you are saying a lie, because of your love for Me. Govindadasa is the true winner. Only I got defeated in the game. Even then I have snatched away the marble, and have come to the temple. Govindadasa is angry with Me. Hence, I do not like to eat now. Is not Govindadasa My bosom friend? I have cheated him. He is standing there under the tree and crying. Dear Mother! Please bring that good boy, my dear friend, here. I want to eat along with him.