भक्तानां प्रेमपूर्णानां भवुकानां महात्मनाम् |
अभितः कृष्णलीलैव सन्ततं संप्रवर्तते ||
हृदयं प्रेमभक्तानां दिव्यं बृन्दावनं ननु |
साक्षात्क्रीडति तत्रैव राधया माधवः सदा ||
यत्र क्वापि वसन्तस्ते स्वर्गे च नरकेपि वा |
पश्यन्ति हृदये कृष्णं बृन्दावनमये सदा ||
अमुं लोकं न स्मरन्ति दुःखमूलं कदापि ते |
प्रेमलोकं गता नित्यं भावयन्ति जनार्दनम् ||
एतद्गुह्यं न जानन्ति परमं पामरा नराः |
संशयं प्राप्नुवन्त्येव स्थूलदृष्टिं गता हि ते ||
The divine pastimes of Shri Krishna are exhibited at all times and in all places for the most sensitive and tender-hearted mahatma who are full of premabhakti. The heart of the prema bhaktas is the true Brindavan in itself. There Shri Madhava plays happily with Devi Radha always and eternally. The bhaktas always behold Shri Krishna in the Brindavan of their hearts, wherever they live either hell or heaven. Living in the world of prema bhakti, such bhaktas forget this world which is the source of all sorrows. They always meditate upon Shri Krishna. The ordinary people of the world who have a mere ephemeral outlook do not understand this fact. Hence they nurture doubts in their hearts.
Thus ends Chapter Ten entitled 'Nandadasa Charitam' of Book VII of Shri Vaishnava Samhita composed by Shri Shri Krishna Premi Swamigal.