Vaishnava Samhita. Shridaswami Charitam. Vol III Book VII Chp 11 Shlokas 24 - 28


शरणं भव मे नाथ पामरोsहं महामते |

अजानंस्तव माहात्म्यमपराधः कृतः प्रभो ||

मादृशानां विमूढानामल्पज्ञानाञ्च पापिनाम् |

प्रबोधनायैव भवांश्चरति क्षितिमण्डले ||

साधूनां दर्शनं पुण्यमिति सत्यवती श्रुतिः |

तव दर्शनमात्रेण पूतोsहं वैष्ण्वोत्तम ||

कृष्णभक्तिं प्रदायैव पाहि मां शरणागतम् |

तव संनिधिमप्राप्य व्यर्थमायुर्गतं हि मे ||

स्मरामि मम पापानि प्रायश्चित्तं न वेद्म्यहम् |

शरणं त्वां प्रपद्येsहं रक्ष रक्ष जगद्गुरो ||

Shridaswami said

Oh! Swami! I the most ignorant man, am surrendering to you. I committed a great sin not knowing your real greatness. You are treading the earth only to uplift the fools like me. The old proverb says that the very darshan of the sadhus is beneficial. Oh! the noted vaishnava! I have got purified by the mere darshan of yours. Please save me, who have surrendered to you, blessing me with Krishna bhakti. Alas! I have wasted all my life not reaching your presence. Now, I recall all my sinful deeds of the past. I do not know how I can get redemption from them. I take refuge in you, oh, universal preceptor! Please rescue me.