संसारसागरादेष विट्ठलेन समुद्धतः |
विरक्तः प्राप शैलेन्द्रं श्रीनाथं शरणं गतः ||
क्षमवान् समदर्शी च विरक्तो विज्तेन्द्रियः |
यदृच्छयालाभसंतुष्टः कृष्णकीर्तनतत्परः ||
अन्तःप्रज्ञो भावुकश्च लोकवेदपराङ्ग्मुखः |
विट्ठलेशप्रसादेन महाभागवतोsभवत् ||
तद्भक्तिशमापन्नः श्रीनाथो भक्तवत्सलः |
प्रददौ दर्शनं साक्षादात्मनः सुरदुर्लभम् ||
तस्य लीलां रसमयीं गायन् भक्त्या दिने दिने |
आनन्दसागरे मग्नो न सस्मार जगत्त्रयम् ||
दुराचारः पुरा भूत्वा महाभागवतोsभवत् |
एवमेव हि माहात्म्यं प्रत्यक्षं दृश्यते सताम् ||
Shri Sadguru continued
Thus Shridaswami was lifted up from the sea of samsara and taken ashore by Shri Vitthalanatha. He attained a withdrawn attitude, became the devotee of Shrinatha, and reached Govardhana Hill. Due to the blessings of Shri Vitthalanatha, he became a great bhagavata. He was blessed with forebearance, a uniform disposition toward all, a withdrawn attitude, control of senses, and a very sensitive and kind heart. He developed great love for Krishna kirtan. He los consicousness of the material world, and stood beyond the bindings of the Vedas and the common code of life. He developed such an attiutude that he took joy in anything that he got unsought for. Lord Shrinatha, who was captivated by his devotion, blessed him with His coveted darshan which is unattainable even to the devas. Shridaswami spent allhis time regularly singing with great devotion in praise of all the divine sports. He became oblivious to all the three worlds. Thus Shridaswami, who was a great sinner, got transformed into a great bhagavata. The glory of such sadhus can be seen vividly in this world
Thus ends Chapter Eleven entitles 'Shridaswami Charitam' of Book VII of Shri Vaishnava Samhita composed by Shri Shri Krishna Premi Swamigal