विक्रेत्तुकामो रत्नानि यवनो हर्शसम्युतः |
क्षणं तत्रोपविश्यैव शुश्राव भगवत्कथाम् ||
व्यासपीठस्थितो भक्तःप्रोवाच मधुरं तदा |
प्रवृत्ते दशमस्कन्धे कृष्णरूपस्य वर्णनम् ||
आकर्ण्य यवनः सद्यः कृष्णसौन्दर्यवर्णनम् |
तं वैष्ण्वामपृच्छच्च तद्दर्शनकुतूहलात् ||
He had come there to see precious stones. But, he sat there for some time and listened to the discourse dealing with the divine story of Shri Krishna. The exponent, the devout puranika, seated on the Vyasapitha was describing very beautifully the handsome form o Shri Krishna, as given in the tenth canto of Shrimad Bhagavatam. Listening to that description of the elegance of Shri Krishna, Raskhan developed a desire to see Him. Induced by that desire, he asked the vaishnava the following question.