रसखान उवाच
करुणां कुरु गोस्वामिन् यवनोsहं तु पामरः |
द्रष्टुमिच्छामि तं बालं सौन्दर्यरसवारिधिम् ||
नाहमिच्छामि साम्राज्यं नाहमिच्छामि जीवितम् |
इच्छाम्यहं केवलं तु श्रीकृष्णमुखदर्शनम् ||
Raskhan said
Oh! Guru! Please shower mercy on me. I am very ignorant and is born as a muslim. I long to see that Neelabala, who is the dwelling place of real beauty. I do not care for my life. I do not value even a great empire. I yearn to have the darshan of Shri Krishna alone.