Govardhana Charitam. Vol III Book VII Chp 22 Shlokas 6 - 9
मधुपानमदोन्मत्तं नष्टं यदुकुलं पुरा |
तथापि नैव जानन्ति मधुपाः स्वकुलक्षयम् ||
क्षमा सत्यं दया शातिरहिंसा समता तथा |
मान्यता धर्मनिष्ठा च मधुपानेन नश्यति ||
आलस्यञ्च तथा निद्रा पैत्यमुन्माद एव च |
कलहक्ष्च तथा मृत्युर्मधुपानेन जायते ||
पितरं मातरञ्चापि गुरुं मित्रं स्त्रियं सुतम् |
सर्वं नाशयति क्रुद्धो मधुपानेन मोहितः ||
The Yadu clan became extinct only due to drinking. Yet those who drink do not realize that it will destroy their entire line. Forbearane, truthfulness, sympathy, peace, non-violence, equanimity, rectitude and righteousness get destroyed by drinking. Laziness, sleep, lunacy, madness, misunderstanding, feuds and death are fostered by drinking. One who is lost in drinking becomes angry and commits the murder of his own father, mother, teacher, friend, wife and son.