Katha Sangraham. Vol III Book VII Chp 24 Shlokas 23 - 27
द्वाविंशे दुष्टसङ्गेन मधुपानविमोहितः |
गोवर्धनः साधुसङ्गादभवच्छुद्धमानसः ||
त्रयोविंशे रामदासो द्वारकाधीशमच्युतम् |
स्वग्राममान्यामास क्रीत्वा भक्त्या स्वकीयया ||
एवं सप्तमभागस्य प्रोक्तक्ष्चाध्यायसङ्ग्रहः |
पठतां शृण्वताञ्चापि स्मरणाय पुनः पुनः ||
यः पठेच्छ्रद्धया नित्यमिमां वैष्णवसम्हिताम् |
स याति परमं धाम शाक्ष्वतं श्रीपतेर्ध्रुवम् ||
मङ्गलं सद्गुरुभ्योस्तु वैष्णवेभ्योस्तु मङ्गलम् |
मङ्गलं माधवायास्तु प्रेमिकायास्तु मङ्गलम् ||
Chapter Twenty Two pictures Govardhana who was once addicted to wine in the company of the wicked, got purified due to Sadhusanga. According to Chapter Twenty Three, Ramadasa could buy Lord Dwarakanatha paying the price of Bhakti. Thus, the essence of Book VII is given in a nutshell to enable the readers and the listeners to retain it in memory easily. One who reads daily this Vaishnava Samhita with ardent interest reaches the abode of Lord Shripati. Glory unto Shri Sadguru. Glory unto the vaishavas! Glory unto Shri Madhava and glory unto the Premika, the devotees.
Thus ends Chapter Twenty Four entitled “Katha Sangraham” of Book VII of Shri Vaishnava Samhita composed by Shri Shri Vaishnava Samhita composed by Shri Shri Krishna Premi Maharaj who revels in the luscious sweetness of divine bliss emanating from the lotus feet of Shri Bagavannama Bodhendra Swamigal who descended the earth a a savior of all beings, the universal preceptor, the Parivrajaka (wandering saint) and the Paramahamsa (a revised soul)