Latiff Charitam. Vol III Book VII Chp 16 Shlokas 21 - 23
लतीप उवाच
स्वच्छन्दं प्रेमभावेन भजामि श्यामसुन्दरम् |
हृदये जायते भावो भावो विक्ष्वासकारणम् ||
निराकारे दैवते तु रमते न हि मे मनः |
अस्मिन् गोपालरूपे तु स्चाच्छन्दं लीयतेपि तत् ||
नैतच्चित्रं महाराज श्रीराधारमणो ह्ययम् |
अविक्ष्वासात्तवैवायं चित्ररूपेण दृश्यते ||
Latiff replied
Love born in the heart of a person becomes the base of belief and faith. With such strong perm, I worship Shri Krishna without any restrictions. My mind is not inclined towards formless Allah. It gets absorbed automatically in the beauty of Shri Krishna’s exquisite form. Oh, King! It is not a mere picture. The picture is that of Shri Radhakrishna. As you lack faith, it appears to be a mere picture in your eyes.