Vaishnava Samhita. Latiff Charitam. Vol III Book VII Chp 16 Shlokas 28 - 31

Latiff Charitam. Vol III Book VII Chp 16 Shlokas 28 - 31


एवं हि तर्जितो राज्ञा दृढविक्ष्वाससंयुतः ||

लतीपः प्रार्थयामास राधिकां करुणामयीम् ||

भक्तस्य रक्षणायैव राधिका प्रेमरूपिणी |

वीटिकां प्रददौ प्रेम्णा कृष्णवक्त्रे स्वयं मुदा ||

तद्दृष्ट्वा महदाक्ष्चर्यं भीतूsभूद्यवनाधिपः |

प्रणम्यैव लतीपं तं प्रययौ भवनं स्वकम् ||

एवं हि दृढविक्ष्वासाद्भक्ता वैष्णवसत्तमाः |

वशीकुर्वन्ति गोविन्दं भक्तरक्षणतत्परम् ||

Shri Sadguru continued

When he was threatened by the chief like that, latiff prayed to the merciful Devi Radha with firm belief. In order to protect the bhakta, Devi Radha, the very embodiment of poem, put the metal and nut readily into the mouth of Shri Krishna. The muslim chief was frightened to see this. He bowed to Latiff and returned to his place. Shri Govinda is ever prepared to save the bhaktas. The great vaishnava bhaktas bring Him under their control with the help of firm belief.

Thus ends Chapter Sixteen entitled ‘Latiff Charitam’ of Book VII of Shri Vaishnava Samhita composed by Shri Shri Krishna Premi Swamigal