Vaishnava Samhita. Ramakrishna Charitam. Vol III Book VII Chp 18 Shlokas 24 - 28

Ramakrishna Charitam. Vol III Book VII Chp 18 Shlokas 24 - 28

ब्रह्मविद्या स्वयं विप्र यमेकं नाथमिच्छति |

तमेव साक्षाद्गोविन्दं पश्य श्रीयमुनावने ||

नास्ति कृष्णात्परं तत्वं वस्तुतो दोषवर्जितम् |

तस्यैव ह्लादिनीं शक्तिं देवीं जानीहि राधिकाम् ||

निराकारं परं ब्रह्म निर्गुणञ्च निरञ्जनम् |

अखण्डरसरूपं तत्साकारमिह दृश्यते ||

साक्षात्कुरु तमेव त्वं नन्दनन्दनमॆक्ष्वरम् |

लभ्यते भक्तियोगेन भगवान् पुरुषोत्तमः ||

ज्ञानवैराग्ययुक्तेन भक्तियोगेन केशवम् |

आराधयन्महारण्ये निवसेद्यमुनातटे ||

Oh! Brahman! See the beloved Lord of Devi Brahma Vidhya or the Goddess of wisdom, in Shri Brindavan in His true form as Shri Govinda. There is no Supreme tattoo, true and infallible, other than Shri Krishna. Know that the Hladini Shakti of Lord Krishna manifests itself as Devi Radha, the fountainhead of divine bliss. The formless and attribute less Supreme Soul that is omnipresent, indivisible, and is the very embodiment of blemishes wisdom exposed itself as Shri Krishna. See that Nandakumara in His true form. That Purushottama is reached by one through the means of Bhakti-yoga. One must live in Shri Brindavan worshipping Lord Keshava through the means of Bhakti-yoga that is enriched by wisdom and detachment.