Vaishnava Samhita. Ramakrishna Charitam. Vol III Book VII Chp 18 Shlokas 8-10

Ramakrishna Charitam. Vol III Book VII Chp 18 Shlokas 8-10

आविरासीद्ब्रह्मविद्या गायत्री परमेक्ष्वरी |

शुद्धस्फटिकसङ्काशा शुभ्रज्योतिःस्वरूपिणी ||

चिन्मुद्राङ्कितहस्तजा च ज्ञानवैराग्यदायिनी |

पाण्डुरक्षौमवसना नासाग्रन्यस्तवीक्षणा ||

तां निरीक्ष्य महायोगी बद्धाञ्जलिपुटस्तदा |

तुष्टाव प्रणतक्ष्चासौ जगतां मातरं द्विजः ||

Devi Gayatri, very personification of Brahma-Vidhya was pleased with him. Hence the Devi shining like spotless white marble, gave him darshan in the form of dazzling light. Devi Parmeshwari appeared with the chinmudra (Audra of supreme wisdom) bestowing wisdom and detachment. She was clad in shimmering white and Her eyes slightly cast downwards. Looking at Devi Gayatri, the mother of the entire universe, the yogi experienced bliss. He prayed to Her with folder palms.