Pundarika Charitam Vol III Book VIII Chp 1 Shlokas 27 - 31
इत्य्क्त्वा पुण्डरीकोपि पितृभ्यां सह भार्यया |
आतिथ्येनैव विधिना पूजयामास माधवम् ||
बद्धाञ्जलिपुटो विप्रः पुण्डरीकाक्षमच्युतम् |
भक्त्यैव प्रार्थयामास पुण्डरीको दृढव्रतः ||
कुरु ते नित्यसान्निध्यं चन्द्रभागातटे प्रभो |
कलावपि जनाः सर्वे पश्यन्तु त्वां क्रुपानिधिम् ||
इत्य्क्तः पुण्डरीकाक्षः पुण्डरीकेन भाषितम् |
अङ्गीकृत्य बाढमिति पुनक्ष्च द्वारकां ययौ ||
अद्यापि पन्दरीक्षेत्रे कलावस्मिन् युगे प्रभुः |
अर्चावताररूपेण भक्तैः क्रीडति माधवः ||
Shri Sadguru continued
Having spoken thus, Pundarika quite systematically performed the Pooja of Lord Madhava along with his wife and parents. The firm devotee Pundarika with palms held together in devotion, repeatedly prayed to Shri Achyuta, the lotus-eyed. “Oh! Lord! You should please stay eternally on the bank of this river Chandrabhaga. I wish that the people of the Kaliyuga see You, the ocean of mercy, easily”. The lotus-eyed Lord accepted the request of Pundarika and promised to do so. Then, he returned to Dwarka. Even today, in this Kaliyuga, in Pandaripuram, Lord Madhava, takes delight in the company of the bhaktas in Archavatara form.
Thus ends Chapter One entitled ‘Pundarika Charitam’ of Book VIII of Shri Vaishnava Samhita, composed by Shri Shri Krishna Swamigal.