Vaishnava Samhita. Gnaneshwar Charitam Vol III Book VIII Chp 2 Shlokas 25 - 26

Gnaneshwar Charitam Vol III Book VIII Chp 2 Shlokas 25 - 26

श्रीज्ञानेक्ष्वर उवाच

व्यवहारे भेदभावो विद्यते ह्यविवेकिनाम् |

सर्वत्र ज्ञानिनामेको वासुदेवो हि दृश्यते ||

यदि सर्वत्र सर्वात्मा पन्दुरङ्गो हि वर्तते |

अयञ्च महिषो व्यक्तं सामगानं कतोत्विह ||

Shri Gnanadeva replied

Only the low-witted men entertain such distinctions in this mundane life. But the spiritually advanced ones find only Shri Vasudeva in everything and everywhere. If it is true that Lord Panduranga is omnipresent, let this buffalo receive the Same Veda