Gnaneshwar Charitam Vol III Book VIII Chp 2 Shlokas 31 - 35
श्री ज्ञानेक्ष्वर उवाच
द्वेषभावेन सम्युक्ताः प्रेमभावविवर्जिताः |
समधर्मं वदन्त्येव वृथा पण्डितमानिनः ||
नैव नश्यति भेदस्तु ब्रह्मज्ञानं विना ननु |
कृष्णभक्त्या विना नूनं ब्रह्मज्ञानं न लभ्यते ||
तस्मादहर्निशं भक्त्या पाण्डुरङ्गं कृपानिधिम् |
शृण्वन् गायन् कीर्तयंक्ष्च द्वन्द्वमोहाद्विमुच्यते ||
विहितेनैव धर्मेण शास्त्रेषु भगवान् हरिः |
आराध्यते वैष्ण्वैस्तु स्वातन्तन्त्र्यात्पतितो भवेत् ||
इत्युक्त्वा ज्ञानदेवोsयमनुज्ञातो द्विजोत्तमैः |
स्वच्छन्दं परिवव्राज भगिनीभ्रातृभिस्तथा ||
Shri Gnanadeva said
Those who do not have unfettered love for others and those who nature enmities in their hearts, preach, the idea of shedding differences, considering themselves to be wise ascetics. Certainly such a disposition of searching for differences among living beings will not die unless one acquires true knowledge of the Brahman. So one attains alvstion and redemption from ignorance only when he engages himself day nd night in singing in praise of the merciful Lord Panduranga, speaking in praise of Him and listening to His glories with great devotion. Lord Hari is rightly worshipped and propitiated by the vaishnavas following the precepts of the Shastras. One who neglects them and acts on his own, is considered spiritually lost
Shri Sadguru continued
Having stated so, Shri Gnanadeva took leave of the Brahmanas. He wandered breathing free air along with his brothers and sisters.
Thus ends Chapter Two entitled ‘Gnaneshwara Charitam’ of Book VIII of Shri Vaishnava Samhita, composed by Shri Shri Krishna Premi Swamigal.