Shri Ramadasa Charitam III Vol III Book VIII Chp 14 Shlokas 3 - 5
ये ये भक्ता दृढश्रद्धा यां यां मूर्तिमुपासते |
तां तां मूर्तिं दधात्येव भक्तानन्दकरो हि सः ||
पातयन्ति शिलामूर्ति चोरा मलेच्छा निर्भयम् |
पूजयन्ति हि तामेव प्रेमभक्त्या तु वैष्णवाः ||
प्रेमैव परमं दैवं न दैवं मृच्छिलामयम् |
यद्यस्ति हृदये प्रेम सुलभो भगवान् हरिः ||
In order to bestow happiness on the bhaktas who worship Him in different ways with firm belief, the Supreme Soul also manifests Himself in these forms. These mortise which are neglected and thrown away by the chiefs and the muslims are worshipped with love and devotion by the vaishnavas. Love is the true God. That which is made of stone or clay is in itself not God. If there is true love in the heart Bhagavan Shri Hari becomes easily accessible.