Shri Ramadasa Charitam III Vol III Book VIII Chp 15 Shlokas 8 - 11
रामदसस्य शिष्यस्तु शिवजिरीति विश्रुतः |
आसीद्भारतदेशोस्मिन्नेकच्छत्रपतिर्नृपः ||
तस्य खड्गप्रकाशेन यवनानीकिनीतमः |
विनष्टं भारते देशे व्याप्तं सर्वत्र सर्वथा ||
गोब्राह्म्णाहितार्थाय साध्वीनां रक्षणाय च |
करवालो धृतो येन धर्मसंस्थापनाय च ||
तस्य राजाधिराजाय वक्तुमिच्छामि वैभवम् |
रामदासपदाम्भोजमधुपस्य महात्मनः ||
In India, there was a very great and famous emperor named Shivaji who was a disciple of Shri Ramadasa. He was holding the sword in his hand mainly for the protection of the brahmanas, the chaste women and the cows. The appalling darkness of the terror caused by the muslim armies that had surrounded India was eradicated by the light of the strength and valor spread by his sword. I want to given an account of the glory of that emperor who was whirling as a bee round the lotus feet of Shri Ramadasa.