Shri Korakumbha Charitam III Vol III Book VIII Chp 17 Shlokas 10 - 11
स कदाचित्सतां श्रेष्ठः कुर्वन् मृण्मर्दनं पदा |
हरिसङ्कीर्तनानन्दमुग्धचित्तोsभवत्प्रभुः ||
उन्मत्तवद्रुदन् गायन् हसन्नृत्यन् स्मरन् हरिम् |
शरीरं नैव सस्मार मृदं लोकं तथा सुतम् ||
Once, the great sadhu was making a dough of clay immersed in the joy of Hari kirtan. Almost like a lunatic, he was dancing and singing in praise of Shri Hari. Absorbed in Hari-dhyana he lost consciousness of his body, his son, the world and even the clay paste.