Vaishnava Samhita. Shri Narahari Charitam III Vol III Book VIII Chp 18 Shlokas 15 - 22

Shri Narahari Charitam III Vol III Book VIII Chp 18 Shlokas 15 - 22


इत्य्क्तो धनिकः सोपि संप्राप्य मन्दिरम् |

नितम्बरिमाणां तदाजहार रमापतेः ||

तथा चकार काञ्चीञ्च शिवभक्तो हिरण्मयीम् |

अर्पयामास धनिकः सानन्दं विट्ठलाय ताम् ||

किन्तु सा पाण्डुरङ्गस्य निताम्बाद्गलिताsपतत् |

कटिप्रमाणादधिका काञ्ची रत्नमयी तदा ||

काञ्चीमादाय सहसा नितरां दूनमानसः |

न्यवेदयन्नृहरये शिवैकमनसे पुनः ||

यथाप्रमाणं विच्छिद्य प्रमानादधिकाञ्च ताम् |

तस्मै ददौ नरहरिः किन्चित्कोपेन सम्युतः ||

काञ्च्यां तु धार्यमाणायां कट्यां श्रीविट्ठलस्य तु |

अल्पत्वात् पतिमाणस्य नितरां निबिडाsभवत् ||

एवं पुनः पुनः कृत्वा कुपितो नृहरिस्तदा |

कटिप्रमाणमादातुं स्वयमेवाययौ बत ||

अनिच्छन् विट्ठलं द्रष्टुं प्रकुर्वन्नेत्रबन्धनम् |

उपेक्षयैव पस्पर्श पाण्डुरङ्गं क्रुपानिधिम् ||

Shri Sadguru said

Having been instructed thus, the rich man went to the temple and got the measurement of the waist of the Lord of Devi Rukmini. Narahari, the goldsmith made a golden girdle exactly according to that measurement. Filled with hoy, the rich man offered it to Shri Vitthala. But as the gem-studded girdle was bigger in size, it slipped out of the waist of Shri Panduranga. The rich man became very sad and took back the girdle. He came again to Narahari who was immersed in Shiva-dhyana and reported to him what had happened. At that Narahari became a bit angry. He cut the extra length and made it exactly to coincide with the new measurement. Now, when it was offered to Vitthala again, it was found that the girdle had become very tight and that the measurement was yet not correct. The adjustment was done may times, but in vain. Narahari got angry. AT last, ironically enough, he had to come to the temple of Shri Panduranga in order to take the correct measurement. He covered his eyes (with a piece of cloth) as he did not want to see Shri Panduranga. WIth an indifferent attitude he touched the moorti of Shri Panduranga.